update quests res

This commit is contained in:
shoopea 2019-10-02 17:03:07 +08:00
parent 771697509b
commit 0511877406

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@ -270,6 +270,17 @@ func resetMsgParsingRules() {
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #37", "In the forest you met a strange creature who was mumbling about his ""precious"" and was scared of sunlight\\. It was poor mad Andy Serkis\\. You stole his wedding ring and sold it to a merchant\\. Strangely the merchant was never seen again\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #38", "In the middle of the forest you came upon a short man wearing all green\\. He was drunkingly mumbling about pot of gold at the end of the rainbow\\. Feeling excited, you followed it, only to find a big couldron, full of potatoes\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #39", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items that historians can pay a good price for\\. Today you found there a massive red shield with a mystical engraving of a crowned black square\\. A shame that you cant decipher a symbolical meaning of perished empires\\. Still, worth a fortune\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #40", "As you were humming a song between the trees of the forest, animals approached you to hear more of this beautiful melody\\. When you shot a few, the rest ran away\\. You sold their pelt for gold\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #41", "In the deep shadows of trees you noticed ancient ruins, covered in either moss or some algae\\. In such darkness, you failed to distinguish what kind of ruins they were\\. But in order to make up for it you managed to find a couple of interesting things to take home\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #42", "You came across a small, red, derpy-looking Echidna waddling towards you and shouting, “Do you know da wae\\?”\\n\\nYou showed it the way to the Queen; so it waddled away making clicking sounds\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #43", "In the forest you met a beautiful woman\\. You became suspicious that she was out here all alone, so you robbed her just in case\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #44", "As you came across a glade in the forest, you smelled the scent of burned fiends\\. Upon further investigation you found the remains of a grand bonfire\\. Digging around in the pile of burned werewolves and witches you found some unburned stocks\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #45", "In the forest you found a skinny man with a talking dog, eating dog cookies\\. You decided to face them, but the man was too strong\\. Frustrated, you return to the castle with nothing but shame(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #46", "In the forest you found a wolf driving a cart full of deers\\. ""I wonder, where could they be going\\?"",- you thought\\. But the wolf threw you a shiny coin, so you decided to go home and forget about this strange incident\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #47", "Under the twisted shadows of the trees, you found a little wolf cub with a scar on its face. Being kind hearted, you took it with you\\. One night, little cub disappeared, but you found some gold on your doorstep\\. The local fool kept telling everyone that he saw a big white wolf taking your cub with it to the forest\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #48", "In the forest you met a one-armed shinobi who asked you about his lord\\. As you didn't know anything he continued his way\\. You noticed you have a strange cough on your way to the castle\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #49", "In the forest you encountered a naked man in a red bandana dancing to some sweet music\\. You got carried away by his amazing moves and stared at him for a couple of days\\. After you gained back control over your body, you stole his bandana and sold it for a golden coin\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #50", "In the forest you found a rare mushroom species that you could sell to some local alchemists\\.(?s:.*)$")
failOnError(err, "resetMsgParsingRules : populate table msg_rules")