test craft

This commit is contained in:
shoopea 2020-01-27 12:05:38 +08:00
parent 2fac84340c
commit 8a1d244d08
4 changed files with 260 additions and 279 deletions

View File

@ -672,8 +672,7 @@ func botGStock(m *ChatWarsMessage) {
TGCmdQueue <- c
userID64 := cfg.Bot.Admin
//userID64 := clt.TGUserID64
userID64 := clt.TGUserID64
p := JobPayloadGStock{
@ -706,6 +705,52 @@ func botGStock(m *ChatWarsMessage) {
func botCraftItem(m *ChatWarsMessage) {
clt, err := getLockedIdleClient()
if err != nil {
c := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
Text: "Busy, please retry later.",
FromMsgID64: m.ID64,
FromChatID64: m.ChatID64,
TGCmdQueue <- c
userID64 := clt.TGUserID64
p := JobPayloadCraftItem{
MsgID64: m.ID64,
ChatID64: m.ChatID64,
ObjItemID64: getCraftItemID(m.Text),
Status: 0,
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
t := time.Now().UTC().Add(1 * time.Second)
_, err = createJob(cacheObjSubType[`job_craft_item`], objJobPriority, userID64, 0, t, b)
if err != nil {
c := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
Text: fmt.Sprintf("%s", err),
FromMsgID64: m.ID64,
FromChatID64: m.ChatID64,
TGCmdQueue <- c
} else {
c := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
Text: "Craft summary coming",
FromMsgID64: m.ID64,
FromChatID64: m.ChatID64,
TGCmdQueue <- c
func botSaveRes(m *tb.Message) {
if !m.Private() {

View File

@ -489,13 +489,12 @@ type JobPayloadVaultItemStatus struct {
type JobPayloadCraftItem struct {
MsgID64 int64 `json:"msg_id"`
ChatID64 int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID64 int64 `json:"user_id"`
ObjItemID64 int64 `json:"item_id"`
Status int64 `json:"status"`
CleanupMsg []ChatWarsMessage `json:"cleanup_msg"`
VaultJobId int64 `json:"vault_job_id"`
MsgID64 int64 `json:"msg_id"`
ChatID64 int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID64 int64 `json:"user_id"`
ObjItemID64 int64 `json:"item_id"`
Status int64 `json:"status"`
VaultJobID64 int64 `json:"vault_job_id"`
type JobPayloadGetVault struct {

View File

@ -902,11 +902,18 @@ func jobBackupImport(j Job) {
func jobGStock(j Job) {
var (
p JobPayloadGStock
p2 JobPayloadGetVault
b []byte
p JobPayloadGStock
p2 JobPayloadGetVault
b []byte
resSize, resCount int64
alchSize, alchCount int64
miscSize, miscCount int64
recSize, recCount int64
partSize, partCount int64
otherSize, otherCount int64
totalSize int64
var resSize, resCount, alchSize, alchCount, miscSize, miscCount, recSize, recCount, partSize, partCount, otherSize, otherCount, totalSize int64
err := setJobStart(j.ID64)
logOnError(err, "jobGStock : setJobStart")
@ -1395,29 +1402,13 @@ func jobVaultUserStatus(j Job) {
func jobGWithdraw(j Job) {
var (
p JobPayloadGWithdraw
reqTab map[int64]int64
doneTab map[int64]int64
p JobPayloadGWithdraw
p2 JobPayloadGetVault
b []byte
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Starting.\n", j.ID64)
reqTab = make(map[int64]int64)
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]] = 1 << 0
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]] = 1 << 1
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]] = 1 << 2
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]] = 1 << 3
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]] = 1 << 4
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]] = 1 << 5
doneTab = make(map[int64]int64)
doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]] = 1 << 10
doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]] = 1 << 11
doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]] = 1 << 12
doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]] = 1 << 13
doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]] = 1 << 14
doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]] = 1 << 15
err := setJobStart(j.ID64)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : setJobStart")
@ -1425,92 +1416,45 @@ func jobGWithdraw(j Job) {
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : Unmarshal payload")
if p.Status == 0 {
p2.JobCallbackID64 = j.ID64
p2.ItemTypeList = make([]int64, 0)
for k, item := range p.Items {
id := getSilentObjItemID(item.Code, ``)
if id != 0 {
obj, _ := getObjItem(id)
p.Status = p.Status | reqTab[obj.ItemTypeID]
p2.ItemTypeList = append(p2.ItemTypeList, obj.ItemTypeID)
} else if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^u[0-9]+$`, item.Code); ok {
p.Items[k].Inspect = true
p.Status = p.Status | reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]
p2.ItemTypeList = append(p2.ItemTypeList, cacheObjSubType[`item_other`])
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]) == 0 {
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]) == 0 {
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]) == 0 {
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]) == 0 {
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]) == 0 {
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]) == 0 {
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]
b, err = json.Marshal(p2)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : Marshal(p2)")
jobID64, err := createJob(cacheObjSubType[`job_get_vault`], objJobPriority, j.UserID64, 0, time.Now().UTC(), b)
p.Status = 1
p.VaultJobID64 = jobID64
b, err = json.Marshal(p)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : Marshal(p)")
err = setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : setJobPayloadJSON(p)")
rescheduleJob(j.ID64, 0, time.Unix(maxUnixTimestamp, 0).UTC())
} else if p.Status == 1 {
/* loop through items and get unique/inspect */
if j.Trigger != 0 {
id, err := getObjSubTypeId(j.Trigger)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : getObjSubType("+strconv.FormatInt(j.Trigger, 10)+")")
if err == nil {
if id == cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`] {
var isUnique bool
m, err := getObjMsg(j.Trigger)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : getObjMsg")
rule, err := getMsgParsingRule(m)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : getMsgParsingRule")
cwm, err := parseSubTypeMessageGStockAnyAck(m, rule.re)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : parseSubTypeMessageGStockAnyAck")
for k, req := range p.Items {
for _, disp := range cwm.Stock {
if req.Code == disp.Code {
p.Items[k].Available = disp.Quantity
p.Items[k].Name = disp.Name
p.Items[k].Inspect = false
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Found %s - %s : %d.\n", j.ID64, disp.Code, disp.Name, disp.Quantity)
if ok, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^u[0-9]+$`, disp.Code); ok {
isUnique = true
p.CleanupMsg = append(p.CleanupMsg, *m)
if isUnique {
for _, req := range p.Items {
if req.Inspect {
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_g_inspect_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
p.Inspecting = req.Code
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
id, err := createJob(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], objJobPriority, j.UserID64, 0, time.Unix(maxUnixTimestamp, 0).UTC(), b)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : createJob")
setJobCallback(id, int64(bot.Me.ID), cacheObjSubType[`msg_invalid_action`])
setJobCallback(id, int64(bot.Me.ID), cacheObjSubType[`msg_inspect_ack`])
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, fmt.Sprintf("/g_inspect_%s", p.Inspecting))
err = setJobDone(j.ID64)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : setJobDone")
} else if id == cacheObjSubType[`msg_inspect_ack`] {
if id == cacheObjSubType[`msg_inspect_ack`] {
m, err := getObjMsg(j.Trigger)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : getObjMsg")
rule, err := getMsgParsingRule(m)
@ -1660,170 +1604,78 @@ func jobGWithdraw(j Job) {
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]] {
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Requesting res.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_res_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
c, err := getLockedRoleClient(`commander`)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw: getLockedRoleClient(commander)")
if err == nil {
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], j.UserID64, cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`], b, time.Minute)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_res`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]] {
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Requesting alch.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_alch_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
var stock string
for _, i := range p.Items {
if i.Available > i.Required {
stock = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%d x %s", stock, i.Required, i.Name)
} else if i.Available > 0 {
stock = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%d x %s", stock, i.Available, i.Name)
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], j.UserID64, cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`], b, time.Minute)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_alch`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]] {
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Requesting misc.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]
if len(stock) > 0 {
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_misc_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], j.UserID64, cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`], b, time.Minute)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_misc`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]] {
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Requesting recipe.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]
id, err := createJob(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], objJobPriority, j.UserID64, 0, time.Unix(maxUnixTimestamp, 0).UTC(), b)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : createJob")
setJobCallback(id, int64(bot.Me.ID), cacheObjSubType[`msg_job_gwithdraw_ack`])
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_rec_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], j.UserID64, cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`], b, time.Minute)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_rec`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]] {
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Requesting part.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]
sha256 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(cfg.Telegram.Token))
sha128 := sha256[:aes.BlockSize]
c, err := aes.NewCipher(sha128)
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_part_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], j.UserID64, cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`], b, time.Minute)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_parts`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]] {
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : Requesting other.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]
in := make([]byte, 0)
buf := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(id))
in = append(in, buf...)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(p.UserID64))
in = append(in, buf...)
out := make([]byte, len(in))
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
p2 := JobPayloadMsgDel{
MsgTypeID64: cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_oth_req`],
Delay: (10 * time.Second),
ObjMsgID64: 0,
ref := hex.EncodeToString(in)
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : in string : %s.\n", j.ID64, ref)
c.Encrypt(out, in)
ref = hex.EncodeToString(out)
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : out string : %s.\n", j.ID64, ref)
ref = hex.EncodeToString(out)
m, err := getObjMsg(j.Trigger)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : getObjMsg")
p.CleanupMsg = append(p.CleanupMsg, *m)
b, err = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : %s\n", j.ID64, string(b))
u, err := bot.ChatByID(fmt.Sprintf("%d", p.UserID64))
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : ChatByID")
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Click to validate @%s's withdrawal of<code>%s</code>\n/withdraw_%s", u.Username, stock, string(ref))
cmd := TGCommand{
Type: commandSendMsg,
Text: msg,
ToChatID64: cfg.Bot.Mainchat,
ParseMode: cmdParseModeHTML,
b2, _ := json.Marshal(p2)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], j.UserID64, cacheObjSubType[`msg_gstock_any_ack`], b, time.Minute)
createJobCallback(cacheObjSubType[`job_msg_del`], j.UserID64, p2.MsgTypeID64, b2, time.Minute)
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_other`)
TGCmdQueue <- cmd
} else {
c, err := getLockedRoleClient(`commander`)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw: getLockedRoleClient(commander)")
if err == nil {
var stock string
for _, i := range p.Items {
if i.Available > i.Required {
stock = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%d x %s", stock, i.Required, i.Name)
} else if i.Available > 0 {
stock = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%d x %s", stock, i.Available, i.Name)
if len(stock) > 0 {
b, _ := json.Marshal(p)
id, err := createJob(cacheObjSubType[`job_gwithdraw`], objJobPriority, j.UserID64, 0, time.Unix(maxUnixTimestamp, 0).UTC(), b)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : createJob")
setJobCallback(id, int64(bot.Me.ID), cacheObjSubType[`msg_job_gwithdraw_ack`])
sha256 := sha256.Sum256([]byte(cfg.Telegram.Token))
sha128 := sha256[:aes.BlockSize]
c, err := aes.NewCipher(sha128)
in := make([]byte, 0)
buf := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(id))
in = append(in, buf...)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(p.UserID64))
in = append(in, buf...)
out := make([]byte, len(in))
ref := hex.EncodeToString(in)
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : in string : %s.\n", j.ID64, ref)
c.Encrypt(out, in)
ref = hex.EncodeToString(out)
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : out string : %s.\n", j.ID64, ref)
ref = hex.EncodeToString(out)
m, err := getObjMsg(j.Trigger)
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : getObjMsg")
p.CleanupMsg = append(p.CleanupMsg, *m)
b, err = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("jobGWithdraw[%d] : %s\n", j.ID64, string(b))
u, err := bot.ChatByID(fmt.Sprintf("%d", p.UserID64))
logOnError(err, "jobGWithdraw : ChatByID")
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Click to validate @%s's withdrawal of<code>%s</code>\n/withdraw_%s", u.Username, stock, string(ref))
cmd := TGCommand{
Type: commandSendMsg,
Text: msg,
ToChatID64: cfg.Bot.Mainchat,
ParseMode: cmdParseModeHTML,
TGCmdQueue <- cmd
} else {
cmd := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
Text: "No stock available whatsoever",
FromMsgID64: p.MsgID64,
FromChatID64: p.ChatID64,
ParseMode: cmdParseModeHTML,
TGCmdQueue <- cmd
cmd := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
Text: "No stock available whatsoever",
FromMsgID64: p.MsgID64,
FromChatID64: p.ChatID64,
ParseMode: cmdParseModeHTML,
TGCmdQueue <- cmd
err = setJobDone(j.ID64)
@ -1903,6 +1755,111 @@ func jobGetHammerTime(j Job) {
func jobCraftItem(j Job) {
var (
p JobPayloadCraftItem
p2 JobPayloadGetVault
b []byte
item *ChatWarsItem
totalMana int64
requiredItems map[string]int64
missingItems map[string]int64
availableItems map[string]int64
craftItems map[string]int64
err := setJobStart(j.ID64)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : setJobStart")
err = json.Unmarshal(j.Payload, &p)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : Unmarshal payload")
if p.Status == 0 {
p2.JobCallbackID64 = j.ID64
p2.ItemTypeList = make([]int64, 0)
p2.ItemTypeList = append(p2.ItemTypeList, cacheObjSubType[`item_res`])
p2.ItemTypeList = append(p2.ItemTypeList, cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`])
p2.ItemTypeList = append(p2.ItemTypeList, cacheObjSubType[`item_part`])
b, err = json.Marshal(p2)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : Marshal(p2)")
jobID64, err := createJob(cacheObjSubType[`job_get_vault`], objJobPriority, j.UserID64, 0, time.Now().UTC(), b)
p.Status = 1
p.VaultJobID64 = jobID64
b, err = json.Marshal(p)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : Marshal(p)")
err = setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : setJobPayloadJSON(p)")
rescheduleJob(j.ID64, 0, time.Unix(maxUnixTimestamp, 0).UTC())
b = getJobPayload(p.VaultJobID64)
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &p2)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : Unmarshal(p2)")
item = getObjItem(p.ObjItemID64)
availableItems = make(map[string]int64)
requiredItems = make(map[string]int64)
missingItems = make(map[string]int64)
totalMana = item.Craft.Mana
for _, v := range item.Craft.Items {
log.Printf("jobCraftItem[%s] : %s - %d\n", item.Code, v.Code, v.Quantity)
requiredItems[v.Code] = v.Quantity
missingItems[v.Code] = 0
craftItems[v.Code] = 0
for _, v := range p2.Vault {
availableItems[v.Code] = v.Quantity
update := true
for update {
update = false
for code, req := range requiredItems {
ava, _ := availableItems[code]
craft, _ := craftItems[code]
missing, _ := missingItems[code]
if (ava + craft + missing) < req {
update = true
obj := getObjItem(getObjItemID(code, ``))
if obj.Craft != nil {
craftItems[code] = req - ava
totalMana = (req - ava) * obj.Craft.Mana
for _, v := range obj.Craft.Items {
req2, _ := requiredItems[v.Code]
requiredItems[v.Code] = req2 + v.Quantity*(req-ava)
} else {
missingItems[code] = req - ava
for code, req := range requiredItems {
ava, _ := availableItems[code]
craft, _ := craftItems[code]
missing, _ := missingItems[code]
log.Printf("jobCraftItem[%s] : %s - Req : %d / Ava : %d / Craft : %d / Missing : %d\n", item.Code, v.Code, req, ava, craft, missing)
/* we can finish the job */
err = setJobDone(j.ID64)
logOnError(err, "jobCraftItem : setJobDone")
func jobGetVault(j Job) {
var (
p JobPayloadGetVault
@ -1911,8 +1868,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
items := []string{`item_res`, `item_alch`, `item_misc`, `item_recipe`, `item_part`, `item_other`}
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Starting.\n", j.ID64)
reqTab = make(map[int64]int64)
for k, v := range items {
reqTab[cacheObjSubType[v]] = 1 << uint(k)
@ -1987,7 +1942,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]] {
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Requesting res.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_res`]]
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
@ -1997,7 +1951,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_res`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]] {
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Requesting alch.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_alch`]]
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
@ -2007,7 +1960,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_alch`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]] {
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Requesting misc.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_misc`]]
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
@ -2017,7 +1969,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_misc`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]] {
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Requesting recipe.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_recipe`]]
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
@ -2027,7 +1978,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_rec`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]] {
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Requesting part.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_part`]]
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
@ -2037,7 +1987,6 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
clientSendCWMsg(j.UserID64, `/g_stock_parts`)
} else if (p.Status & reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]) == reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]] {
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Requesting other.\n", j.ID64)
p.Status = p.Status &^ reqTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]
p.Status = p.Status | doneTab[cacheObjSubType[`item_other`]]
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
@ -2050,23 +1999,17 @@ func jobGetVault(j Job) {
setJobPayloadJSON(j.ID64, p)
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Cleaning up.\n", j.ID64)
/* clean up the messages */
for _, d := range p.CleanupMsg {
clientDelTGMsg(j.UserID64, d.ID64, d.ChatID64)
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : Rescheduling callback.\n", j.ID64)
/* wake up the callback */
err = rescheduleJob(p.JobCallbackID64, 0, time.Now().UTC())
logOnError(err, "jobGetVault : rescheduleJob")
/* no more req to send, all ack came through, we can finish the job */
log.Printf("jobGetVault[%d] : All done.\n", j.ID64)
err = setJobDone(j.ID64)
logOnError(err, "jobGetVault : setJobDone")

View File

@ -511,15 +511,7 @@ func SQLIdentifyMsgWorker(id int, objIds <-chan int64) {
case cacheObjSubType[`msg_bot_g_stock`]:
case cacheObjSubType[`msg_bot_craft_item`]:
c := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
Text: `<b>test</b>`,
FromMsgID64: m.ID64,
FromChatID64: m.ChatID64,
ParseMode: cmdParseModeHTML,
TGCmdQueue <- c
case cacheObjSubType[`msg_bot_craft_all`]:
c := TGCommand{
Type: commandReplyMsg,
@ -625,6 +617,8 @@ func JobWorker(id int, jobs <-chan Job) {
case cacheObjSubType[`job_get_vault`]:
case cacheObjSubType[`job_craft_item`]:
log.Printf("jobWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : No handler for job type #%d.\n", j.JobTypeID64)