update quests

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shoopea 2019-10-02 17:46:33 +08:00
parent 8acb829f91
commit ceeeffe8e6

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@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ func resetMsgParsingRules() {
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #79", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #80", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #81", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #82", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #83", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #84", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #85", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #86", "At the edge of the known lands, there is an old cursed field, full of relics of ancient civilisations that destroyed each other\\. You love coming back there, to collect antique items\\. This time you found a green bag lying around\\. You checked the content and only found some weird herbs with refreshing smell\\. Having no idea what it is, it came to your mind it will be a nice tea ingredient\\. You kept the herb, but sold the bag\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #82", "While walking through the forest, you found two muggers\\. You overheard their conversation: ""Do you see him\\?"", ""You mean him, the hero who slayed various beasts on his quest\\?"", ""Yes, let's mug him!"", ""Nah, let's not\\.""\\. Because what do muggers do? They Mug! While they were discussing to mug you, you mugged them instead\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #83", "Far away in the distance you saw three tiny figures walking through the mire\\. Suddenly, one of the fell into the water\\. You rushed to them, but by the time you got there, figures disappeared\\. Luckily, you found a shiny ring laying on the ground\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #84", "In the forest you stumbled upon a pond of crystal clear water with Incredibly beautiful carps swimming inside\\. Just think about it! Those fish could live longer than an average warrior! After admiring the carps you achieved an inner harmony, and came back later to clean the pond from all sorts of ""garbage""\\. Some things could come in handy in your workshop\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #85", "Deep in the forest you found a hole\\. And in that hole lived a hobbit\\. Unfortunately, in this universe, hobbits are a kind of rabbits\\. So you skinned it and made yourself a hat\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #86", "In the forest you made friends with a small green goblin who taught you how to use the force\\. Unfortunately by the time you returned home you have already forgotten how to use that ancient art\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #87", "You saw a huge wooden horse near the edge of the forest\\. Fortunately you studied history and resisted the urge to bring it with you to the castle\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #88", "Looking for some shiny things at the edge of the forest, you saw a broken piece of a metal under a tree\\. After examining it, you didnt find anything special about it, except for some old painted text: “F A L C O … V Y”\\. Nonetheless, you took it back home, hoping to sell to a local antique collector, Mr Musk\\.(?s:.*)$")
,(5000, ` + strconv.Itoa(objSubTypeMessageQuestResult) + `, "Quest result #89", "You came across a man with an arrow in his knee\\. You helped him, and he taught you some ancient gibberish\\. The moment you said the last word, he was hit by sudden blast of wind and ended up impaled on a tree branch\\. Weird\\.(?s:.*)$")