package main import ( "encoding/json" "log" "regexp" "strconv" "" ) func MQGetMsgWorker(id int, msgs chan<- ChatWarsMessage) { var x ChatWarsMessage conn, err := amqp.Dial("amqp://" + cfg.Rabbit.User + ":" + cfg.Rabbit.Password + "@" + cfg.Rabbit.Host + "/" + cfg.Rabbit.Queue) failOnError(err, "MQGetMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Failed to connect to RabbitMQ") defer conn.Close() ch, err := conn.Channel() failOnError(err, "MQGetMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Failed to open a channel") defer ch.Close() q, err := ch.QueueDeclare( "msg", // name false, // durable false, // delete when unused false, // exclusive false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) failOnError(err, "MQGetMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Failed to declare a queue") m, err := ch.Consume( q.Name, // queue "", // consumer true, // auto-ack false, // exclusive false, // no-local false, // no-wait nil, // args ) failOnError(err, "MQGetMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Failed to register a consumer") for d := range m { log.Printf("MQGetMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Received a message: %s", string(d.Body)) err = json.Unmarshal(d.Body, &x) logOnError(err, "MQGetMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Can't unmarshal.\n"+string(d.Body)) if err == nil { msgs <- x } } log.Printf("MQGetMsgWorker[" + strconv.Itoa(id) + "] : Closing.") } func SQLCWMsgWorker(id int, msgs <-chan ChatWarsMessage, objIds chan<- int64) { log.Printf("SQLCWMsgWorker[" + strconv.Itoa(id) + "] : Starting.") for m := range msgs { objId, err := putUnprocessedMsg(m) logOnError(err, "SQLCWMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Inserting message.") if err == nil { log.Printf("SQLCWMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Message inserted (%d).\n", objId) objIds <- objId } } log.Printf("SQLCWMsgWorker[" + strconv.Itoa(id) + "] : Closing.") } func SQLIdentifyMsgWorker(id int, objIds <-chan int64) { log.Printf("SQLIdentifyMsgWorker[" + strconv.Itoa(id) + "] : Starting.") for objId := range objIds { m, err := getMsg(objId) logOnError(err, "SQLIdentifyMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Retrieving message.") if err == nil { log.Printf("SQLIdentifyMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Message retrieved (%d)\n%s\n", objId, m.Text) // War reports // r := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P[.]{1})(?P(\[[A-Z]{3}\]){0,1})(?P(\[[A-Za-z0-9 ]*\]){1}) ⚔:(?P[0-9]+) ?:(?P[0-9]+) Lvl: (?P[0-9]+)(?s:.*)$`) r := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P[.]{1})(?s:.*)$`) if r.FindStringSubmatch(m.Text) != nil { log.Printf("SQLIdentifyMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : War report identified (%d)\n", objId) } else { log.Printf("SQLIdentifyMsgWorker["+strconv.Itoa(id)+"] : Unknown message type (%d)\n", objId) } } } log.Printf("SQLIdentifyMsgWorker[" + strconv.Itoa(id) + "] : Closing.") }