719 lines
27 KiB
719 lines
27 KiB
package main
import (
type ChatWarsWithdraw struct {
Item string `json:"item"`
Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"`
UserID64 int64 `json:"user_id"`
Time time.Time `json:"time"`
const user_chtwrsbot = 408101137
const user_botnestbot int64 = 5500350765
const user_chtwrscastlebot = 526586204
const chat_darkwing = -1001152534174
const chat_guild_deposit = -1001179598662
const chat_guild = -1001152534174
const chat_private = -1001092914472
var ownUserID64 = int64(0)
var ownUserID32 = int32(0)
var msgMutex sync.Mutex
var msgID64 = int64(0)
var msgUserID64 = int64(0)
var msgText string
var vault Vault
var size int
var withdrawItem string
var withdrawUserID64 int64
var withdrawTime time.Time
var aesKey []byte
var hmacKey []byte
var withdrawals = map[string]ChatWarsWithdraw{}
var TgEncoding *base32.Encoding
func main() {
// msgMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
TgEncoding = base32.StdEncoding.WithPadding(base32.NoPadding)
// Create new instance of client
client := tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
APIID: "187786",
APIHash: "e782045df67ba48e441ccb105da8fc85",
SystemLanguageCode: "en",
DeviceModel: "Shoogram",
SystemVersion: "",
ApplicationVersion: "",
UseMessageDatabase: true,
UseFileDatabase: true,
UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
UseTestDataCenter: false,
DatabaseDirectory: "./data/tdlib-db",
FileDirectory: "./data/tdlib-files",
IgnoreFileNames: false,
for {
currentState, _ := client.Authorize()
if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType {
fmt.Print("Enter phone: ")
var number string
_, err := client.SendPhoneNumber(number)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending phone number: %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType {
fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
var code string
_, err := client.SendAuthCode(code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth code : %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
var password string
_, err := client.SendAuthPassword(password)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth password: %v\n", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType {
fmt.Println("Authorization Ready! Let's rock")
ownUserID32 = OwnUserID(client)
ownUserID64 = int64(OwnUserID(client))
go PillageKnight(client)
go ListenCW(client)
// go ListenAll(client)
go ListenGuild(client)
// go ForwardOwnMsg(client)
fmt.Println("Started !")
// Main loop
for {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
func PillageKnight(c *tdlib.Client) {
eventFilter := func(msg *tdlib.TdMessage) bool {
updateMsg := (*msg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
chatID := updateMsg.Message.ChatID
senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
// viaBotUserID := updateMsg.Message.ViaBotUserID
// fmt.Println("UpdateNewMessage : chatID : ", chatID)
// fmt.Println("UpdateNewMessage : senderUserID : ", senderUserID)
// fmt.Println("UpdateNewMessage : viaBotUserID : ", viaBotUserID)
if senderUserID == user_chtwrsbot && chatID == user_chtwrsbot {
return true
return false
receiver := c.AddEventReceiver(&tdlib.UpdateNewMessage{}, eventFilter, 100)
for newMsg := range receiver.Chan {
updateMsg := (newMsg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
mType := updateMsg.Message.Content.GetMessageContentEnum()
if mType == "messageText" {
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Pillage:", err.Error())
txt := updateMsg.Message.Content.(*tdlib.MessageText).Text.Text
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(txt, "\n"), "\n") {
match, _ := regexp.MatchString("You were strolling around on your horse.*To stop him click /go.*", line)
if match {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PILLAGE KNIGHT INCOMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fwdMsg := ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, ownUserID64)
delay := rand.Intn(20)
fmt.Println("Delaying reply by", delay+5, "seconds")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
c.SetOption("online", tdlib.NewOptionValueBoolean(true))
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText("/go\n", nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(updateMsg.Message.ChatID, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/go")
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (go) : ", msgID64)
delay = rand.Intn(10) + 20
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
inputMsgTxt = tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText("🛡Defend\n", nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ = c.SendMessage(updateMsg.Message.ChatID, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("🛡Defend")
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (defend) : ", msgID64)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
DeleteMsg(c, ownUserID64, fwdMsg)
time.Sleep(7 * time.Second)
// c.SetOption("online", tdlib.NewOptionValueBoolean(false))
match, _ = regexp.MatchString(".*/pledge.*", line)
if match {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEDGE INCOMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fwdMsg := ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, ownUserID64)
delay := rand.Intn(20)
fmt.Println("Delaying reply by", delay, "seconds")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
c.SetOption("online", tdlib.NewOptionValueBoolean(true))
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText("/pledge\n", nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(updateMsg.Message.ChatID, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/pledge")
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (pledge) : ", msgID64)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
DeleteMsg(c, ownUserID64, fwdMsg)
time.Sleep(7 * time.Second)
// c.SetOption("online", tdlib.NewOptionValueBoolean(false))
func ListenCW(c *tdlib.Client) {
var msgDisplay, msgDelete bool
eventFilter := func(msg *tdlib.TdMessage) bool {
updateMsg := (*msg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
chatID := updateMsg.Message.ChatID
senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
if senderUserID == user_chtwrsbot && chatID == user_chtwrsbot {
return true
return false
receiver := c.AddEventReceiver(&tdlib.UpdateNewMessage{}, eventFilter, 100)
for newMsg := range receiver.Chan {
updateMsg := (newMsg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
mType := updateMsg.Message.Content.GetMessageContentEnum()
if mType == "messageText" {
user, err := c.GetUser(senderUserID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ListenCW:", err.Error())
txt := updateMsg.Message.Content.(*tdlib.MessageText).Text.Text
fmt.Println("============== CHAT WARS (", user.Username, ") ================================================================")
fmt.Println(txt, "\n")
fmt.Println("recv msgID64 : ", msgID64)
if msgID64 != int64(0) {
switch msgText {
case "/g_stock_res":
vault.Res = string(txt)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = true
case "/g_stock_alch":
vault.Alch = string(txt)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = true
case "/g_stock_misc":
vault.Misc = string(txt)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = true
case "/g_stock_rec":
vault.Rec = string(txt)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = true
case "/g_stock_parts":
vault.Parts = string(txt)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = true
case "/g_stock_other":
vault.Other = string(txt)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = true
case "/g_withdraw":
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Printf("WITHDRAW VALIDATED : msg_id : %d\n", updateMsg.Message.ID)
fmt.Printf("WITHDRAW VALIDATED : chat_id : %d\n", updateMsg.Message.ChatID)
fmt.Printf("WITHDRAW VALIDATED : user_id : %d\n", msgUserID64)
_ = ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, msgUserID64)
msgDisplay = false
msgDelete = false
fmt.Println("No specific task for ", msgText)
msgDisplay = true
msgDelete = false
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if msgDelete {
DeleteMsg(c, user_chtwrsbot, msgID64)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
DeleteMsg(c, user_chtwrsbot, updateMsg.Message.ID)
msgID64 = int64(0)
msgUserID64 = int64(0)
} else {
msgDisplay = true
if msgDisplay {
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(txt, "\n"), "\n") {
// fmt.Println("Testing line:", line)
match, _ := regexp.MatchString(".*Your result on the battlefield:.*", line)
if match {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REPORT SPOTTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, int64(user_botnestbot))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, int64(user_chtwrscastlebot))
match, _ = regexp.MatchString(".*Leaderboard of fighters are updated: /top5 & /top6. ((Cheer up)|(Congratulations))!.*", line)
if match {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHT SPOTTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, int64(user_chtwrscastlebot))
match, _ = regexp.MatchString("Deposited [⚡📕📗📘📙📒'a-zA-Z0-9+ ]* \\([0-9]*\\) successfully", line)
if match {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEPOSIT SPOTTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, int64(chat_guild_deposit))
match, _ = regexp.MatchString("Received [⚡📕📗📘📙📒'a-zA-Z0-9+ ]* x [0-9]*", line)
if match {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RECEPTION SPOTTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, int64(chat_guild_deposit))
func ListenGuild(c *tdlib.Client) {
eventFilter := func(msg *tdlib.TdMessage) bool {
updateMsg := (*msg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
m := updateMsg.Message
chatID := m.ChatID
if m.Content != nil {
msgType := m.Content.GetMessageContentEnum()
// senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
if chatID == chat_guild && msgType == tdlib.MessageTextType {
return true
return false
receiver := c.AddEventReceiver(&tdlib.UpdateNewMessage{}, eventFilter, 100)
for newMsg := range receiver.Chan {
updateMsg := (newMsg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
mType := updateMsg.Message.Content.GetMessageContentEnum()
if mType == "messageText" {
user, err := c.GetUser(senderUserID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ListenGuild:", err.Error())
txt := updateMsg.Message.Content.(*tdlib.MessageText).Text.Text
fmt.Println("============== GUILD (", user.Username, ") =================================================================")
fmt.Println(txt, "\n")
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(txt, "\n"), "\n") {
validID := regexp.MustCompile(`^/g_withdraw ([a-z0-9]+) ([0-9]+)$`)
if validID.MatchString(line) && senderUserID != 121964035 && senderUserID != 755149279 && senderUserID != 1378605 && senderUserID != 602226730 && senderUserID != 786012402 {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUILD WITHDRAWAL SPOTTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
t := regexp.MustCompile(`/g_withdraw (?P<Code>[a-z0-9]+) (?P<Quantity>[0-9]+)`)
if t.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Quantity}"))
fmt.Printf("Withdrawing %s / %d\n", t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"), size)
m := ChatWarsWithdraw{
Item: t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"),
Quantity: int64(size),
UserID64: int64(senderUserID),
Time: time.Now(),
b, _ := json.Marshal(m)
md5Bytes := md5.Sum(b)
md5String := TgEncoding.EncodeToString(md5Bytes[:])
withdrawals[md5String] = m
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("To validate @%s withdrawal of %d x %s\nClick /withdraw_%s\n", user.Username, size, items[t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}")].Name, md5String)
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = ""
} else {
fmt.Printf("Can't match withdrawing request.\n")
if validID.MatchString(line) && senderUserID == 121964035 {
t := regexp.MustCompile(`/g_withdraw (?P<Code>[a-z0-9]+) (?P<Quantity>[0-9]+)`)
if t.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Quantity}"))
fmt.Printf("Withdrawing %s / %d\n", t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"), size)
m := ChatWarsWithdraw{
Item: t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"),
Quantity: int64(size),
UserID64: int64(senderUserID),
Time: time.Now(),
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Your command, master.\n")
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("/g_withdraw %s %d\n", m.Item, m.Quantity)
inputMsgTxt = tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(user_chtwrsbot, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/g_withdraw")
msgUserID64 = m.UserID64
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (g_withdraw) : ", msgID64)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Can't match withdrawing request.\n")
if validID.MatchString(line) && senderUserID == 755149279 {
t := regexp.MustCompile(`/g_withdraw (?P<Code>[a-z0-9]+) (?P<Quantity>[0-9]+)`)
if t.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Quantity}"))
fmt.Printf("Withdrawing %s / %d\n", t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"), size)
m := ChatWarsWithdraw{
Item: t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"),
Quantity: int64(size),
UserID64: int64(senderUserID),
Time: time.Now(),
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Coming up !\n")
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("/g_withdraw %s %d\n", m.Item, m.Quantity)
inputMsgTxt = tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(user_chtwrsbot, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/g_withdraw")
msgUserID64 = m.UserID64
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (g_withdraw) : ", msgID64)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Can't match withdrawing request.\n")
if validID.MatchString(line) && senderUserID == 1378605 {
t := regexp.MustCompile(`/g_withdraw (?P<Code>[a-z0-9]+) (?P<Quantity>[0-9]+)`)
if t.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Quantity}"))
fmt.Printf("Withdrawing %s / %d\n", t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"), size)
m := ChatWarsWithdraw{
Item: t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"),
Quantity: int64(size),
UserID64: int64(senderUserID),
Time: time.Now(),
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Yes boss !\n")
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("/g_withdraw %s %d\n", m.Item, m.Quantity)
inputMsgTxt = tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(user_chtwrsbot, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/g_withdraw")
msgUserID64 = m.UserID64
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (g_withdraw) : ", msgID64)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Can't match withdrawing request.\n")
if validID.MatchString(line) && senderUserID == 602226730 {
t := regexp.MustCompile(`/g_withdraw (?P<Code>[a-z0-9]+) (?P<Quantity>[0-9]+)`)
if t.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Quantity}"))
fmt.Printf("Withdrawing %s / %d\n", t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"), size)
m := ChatWarsWithdraw{
Item: t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"),
Quantity: int64(size),
UserID64: int64(senderUserID),
Time: time.Now(),
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Gentle reminder that this is not edible.\n")
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("/g_withdraw %s %d\n", m.Item, m.Quantity)
inputMsgTxt = tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(user_chtwrsbot, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/g_withdraw")
msgUserID64 = m.UserID64
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (g_withdraw) : ", msgID64)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Can't match withdrawing request.\n")
if validID.MatchString(line) && senderUserID == 786012402 {
t := regexp.MustCompile(`/g_withdraw (?P<Code>[a-z0-9]+) (?P<Quantity>[0-9]+)`)
if t.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Quantity}"))
fmt.Printf("Withdrawing %s / %d\n", t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"), size)
m := ChatWarsWithdraw{
Item: t.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Code}"),
Quantity: int64(size),
UserID64: int64(senderUserID),
Time: time.Now(),
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("And voila !\n")
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("/g_withdraw %s %d\n", m.Item, m.Quantity)
inputMsgTxt = tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(user_chtwrsbot, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/g_withdraw")
msgUserID64 = m.UserID64
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (g_withdraw) : ", msgID64)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Can't match withdrawing request.\n")
validID = regexp.MustCompile(`^/withdraw_([ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567]{26})$`)
if validID.MatchString(line) {
fmt.Println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUILD WITHDRAW CONF SPOTTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
u := regexp.MustCompile(`^/withdraw_(?P<Reference>[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567]{26})$`)
if u.FindStringSubmatch(line) != nil {
fmt.Printf("Withdrawal %s identified\n", u.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Reference}"))
ref := u.ReplaceAllString(line, "${Reference}")
if _, ok := withdrawals[ref]; ok {
fmt.Printf("Withdrawal %s found\n", ref)
t := time.Now()
if t.Sub(withdrawals[ref].Time) > 300*time.Second {
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Reference %s is expired.\n", ref)
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = ""
} else {
if withdrawals[ref].UserID64 != ownUserID64 && withdrawals[ref].UserID64 == int64(senderUserID) {
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText("You cannot validate your own withdrawal requests.\n", nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = ""
} else {
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("/g_withdraw %s %d\n", withdrawals[ref].Item, withdrawals[ref].Quantity)
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
sendMsg, _ := c.SendMessage(user_chtwrsbot, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgID64 = sendMsg.ID
msgText = string("/g_withdraw")
msgUserID64 = withdrawals[ref].UserID64
fmt.Println("send msgID64 (g_withdraw) : ", msgID64)
delete(withdrawals, ref)
} else {
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Reference %s is not found.\n", ref)
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = ""
} else {
msgText = fmt.Sprintf("Reference is malformed\n")
inputMsgTxt := tdlib.NewInputMessageText(tdlib.NewFormattedText(msgText, nil), true, true)
c.SendMessage(chat_guild, 0, false, false, nil, inputMsgTxt)
msgText = ""
func ForwardOwnMsg(c *tdlib.Client) {
eventFilter := func(msg *tdlib.TdMessage) bool {
updateMsg := (*msg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
chatID := updateMsg.Message.ChatID
senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
if (senderUserID == ownUserID32 && chatID != ownUserID64) {
return true
return false
receiver := c.AddEventReceiver(&tdlib.UpdateNewMessage{}, eventFilter, 100)
for newMsg := range receiver.Chan {
updateMsg := (newMsg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
mType := updateMsg.Message.Content.GetMessageContentEnum()
if mType == "messageText" {
fwdMsg := ForwardMsg(c, updateMsg.Message.ID, updateMsg.Message.ChatID, ownUserID64)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
DeleteMsg(c, fwdMsg)
func ListenAll(c *tdlib.Client) {
eventFilter := func(msg *tdlib.TdMessage) bool {
updateMsg := (*msg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
chatID := updateMsg.Message.ChatID
// senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
if chatID == user_chtwrsbot || chatID == user_botnestbot || chatID == user_chtwrscastlebot || chatID == chat_darkwing || chatID == chat_guild {
return false
return true
receiver := c.AddEventReceiver(&tdlib.UpdateNewMessage{}, eventFilter, 100)
for newMsg := range receiver.Chan {
updateMsg := (newMsg).(*tdlib.UpdateNewMessage)
senderUserID := updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID
mType := updateMsg.Message.Content.GetMessageContentEnum()
if mType == "messageText" {
username := "null"
if senderUserID != 0 {
user, err := c.GetUser(senderUserID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Listen:", err.Error())
} else {
username = user.Username
t := time.Now()
txt := updateMsg.Message.Content.(*tdlib.MessageText).Text.Text
fmt.Printf("[%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d-00:00]", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second())
fmt.Println(" === SENT (", username, ") =====================================================================")
fmt.Println(txt, "\n")
fmt.Println("************ DETAILS ************")
fmt.Println("ID : ", updateMsg.Message.ID)
fmt.Println("SenderUserID : ", updateMsg.Message.SenderUserID)
fmt.Println("ChatID : ", updateMsg.Message.ChatID)
fmt.Println("SendingState : ", updateMsg.Message.SendingState)
fmt.Println("IsOutgoing : ", updateMsg.Message.IsOutgoing)
fmt.Println("CanBeEdited : ", updateMsg.Message.CanBeEdited)
fmt.Println("CanBeForwarded : ", updateMsg.Message.CanBeForwarded)
fmt.Println("IsChannelPost : ", updateMsg.Message.IsChannelPost)
fmt.Println("ContainsUnreadMention : ", updateMsg.Message.ContainsUnreadMention)
fmt.Println("ForwardInfo : ", updateMsg.Message.ForwardInfo)
fmt.Println("ReplyToMessageID : ", updateMsg.Message.ReplyToMessageID)
fmt.Println("ViaBotUserID : ", updateMsg.Message.ViaBotUserID)
func ForwardMsg(c *tdlib.Client, msgID int64, fromChatID int64, toChatID int64) int64 {
msgIDs := make([]int64, 1)
msgIDs[0] = msgID
fmt.Printf("ForwardMsg fromChatID : %d\n", fromChatID)
fmt.Printf("ForwardMsg toChatID : %d\n", toChatID)
fmt.Printf("ForwardMsg msgID : %d\n", msgID)
chat, err := c.GetChat(toChatID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ForwardMsg.GetChat : error : %s\n", err.Error())
return 0
fmt.Printf("ForwardMsg ChatID : %d\n", chat.ID)
msgs, err := c.ForwardMessages(toChatID, fromChatID, msgIDs, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ForwardMsg.ForwardMessages : error : %s\n", err.Error())
if msgs != nil {
return msgs.Messages[0].ID
} else {
return 0
func DeleteMsg(c *tdlib.Client, chatID int64, msgID int64) {
msgIDs := make([]int64, 1)
msgIDs[0] = msgID
c.DeleteMessages(chatID, msgIDs, false)
fmt.Println("Deleting message ", msgID)
func OwnUserID(c *tdlib.Client) int32 {
user, _ := c.GetMe()
return user.ID