
151 lines
3.8 KiB

package main
import (
type Config struct {
Rabbit struct {
User string
Password string
Host string
SendQueue string
ReceiveQueue string
Listen map[string]*struct {
User int64
Chat int64
var (
config = flag.String("config", "./data/gocw2.cfg", "config file path")
history = flag.Bool("history", false, "initialize chat history")
historyChatID64 = flag.Int64("chat_id", 0, "chat to historize")
historySenderUserID64 = flag.Int64("sender_user_id", 0, "sender_user_id to historize")
cfg Config
ownUserID64 = int64(0)
ownUserID32 = int32(0)
lastOwnTDMsg time.Time
lastOwnTDMsgMux sync.Mutex
lastChatTDMsg map[int64]time.Time
lastChatTDMsgMux map[int64]*sync.Mutex
lastChatMsgMux sync.RWMutex
MQCWMsgQueue chan ChatWarsMessage
MQTGCmdQueue chan TGCommand
func main() {
// Parsing config
err := gcfg.ReadFileInto(&cfg, *config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse gcfg data: %s", err)
fmt.Printf("MQReceive on %s.\n", cfg.Rabbit.ReceiveQueue)
fmt.Printf("MQSend on %s.\n", cfg.Rabbit.SendQueue)
// Create new instance of client
sysv := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
client := tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
APIID: "187786",
APIHash: "e782045df67ba48e441ccb105da8fc85",
SystemLanguageCode: "en",
DeviceModel: "ChatWarsClient",
SystemVersion: sysv,
ApplicationVersion: "0.1",
UseMessageDatabase: true,
UseFileDatabase: true,
UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
UseTestDataCenter: false,
DatabaseDirectory: "./data/tdlib-db",
FileDirectory: "./data/tdlib-files",
IgnoreFileNames: false,
for {
currentState, _ := client.Authorize()
if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType {
fmt.Print("Enter phone: ")
var number string
_, err := client.SendPhoneNumber(number)
logOnError(err, "Error sending phone number.")
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType {
fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
var code string
_, err := client.SendAuthCode(code)
logOnError(err, "Error sending auth code.")
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
var password string
_, err := client.SendAuthPassword(password)
logOnError(err, "Error sending auth password.")
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType {
fmt.Println("Authorization Ready! Let's rock")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ownUserID32 = OwnUserID(client)
ownUserID64 = int64(OwnUserID(client))
lastChatTDMsg = make(map[int64]time.Time)
lastChatTDMsgMux = make(map[int64]*sync.Mutex)
MQCWMsgQueue = make(chan ChatWarsMessage, 100)
for w := 1; w <= 3; w++ {
go MQSendMsgWorker(w, MQCWMsgQueue)
if *history {
fmt.Printf("Retrieving chat.\n")
getHistory(client, historyChatID64, historySenderUserID64)
MQTGCmdQueue = make(chan TGCommand, 100)
for w := 1; w <= 3; w++ {
go MQReceiveMsgWorker(w, MQTGCmdQueue)
go MQKeepAliveWorker()
lastOwnTDMsg = time.Now()
go ListenTG(client)
go ListenMQ(client, MQTGCmdQueue)
go ListenMe(client)
opt := tdlib.NewOptionValueBoolean(false)
_, err = client.SetOption("online", opt)
logOnError(err, "SetOption(online)")
fmt.Println("Started !")
// Main loop
forever := make(chan bool)