$(document).ready(function () { const current_path = window.location.pathname; function fetch_servers() { $.ajax({ url: '/api/servers', type: 'GET', success: function (data) { $('#serverList').empty(); data.servers.forEach(function (server) { const card = `

${server.hostname} (${server.serverIP}:${server.serverPort})

RCON Password:

RCON Connected: ${server.connected ? 'Yes' : 'No'}

RCON Authenticated: ${server.authenticated ? 'Yes' : 'No'}

${(!server.connected || !server.authenticated) ? '' : ''} Manage
`; $('#serverList').append(card); }); $(".toggle-password").click((event) => { let server_id = $(event.target).attr("server-id"); toggle_password_visibility(server_id) }); $("#reconnect_server").click(async (element) => { try { const server_id = $(element.target).attr("server-id"); const response = await $.ajax({ url: '/api/reconnect-server', type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ server_id: server_id }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); if (response.status === 200) { fetch_servers(); } else { console.error('Server responded with a non-200 status code:', response.status); alert('An error occurred while reconnecting to the server.'); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); alert('An error occurred while reconnecting to the server.'); } }); $("#delete_server").click(async (element) => { const confirmed = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this server?"); if (confirmed) { window.server_id = $(element.target).attr("server-id"); await send_post_request("/api/delete-server"); fetch_servers(); } }); }, error: function (error) { console.error(error); alert('An error occurred while fetching servers.'); }, }); } if (current_path == "/servers") { fetch_servers(); } function toggle_password_visibility(server_id) { const password_field = document.getElementsByClassName("rcon-password-" + server_id)[0] const eye_icon = document.getElementById(`toggleEyeIcon-${server_id}`); if (password_field.type === 'password') { password_field.type = 'text'; eye_icon.classList.remove('fa-eye'); eye_icon.classList.add('fa-eye-slash'); } else { password_field.type = 'password'; eye_icon.classList.remove('fa-eye-slash'); eye_icon.classList.add('fa-eye'); } } async function send_post_request(apiEndpoint, data = {}) { try { data.server_id = window.server_id const response = await fetch(apiEndpoint, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); if (response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); console.log(data.message) if(apiEndpoint == '/api/rcon') { if (data.message.includes("Response received")) { $('#rconResultBox').show(); $('#rconResultText').text(data.message.split("Command sent! Response received:")[1]); } else { $('#rconResultBox').hide(); alert(data.message); } } else { alert(data.message); } } else if (response.status == 401) { alert('Unauthorized, please reload and relogin.'); } else { alert('Failed to perform the action'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); alert('An error occurred'); } } $('#pause_game').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to pause the game?")) { send_post_request('/api/pause'); } }); $('#unpause_game').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to unpause the game?")) { send_post_request('/api/unpause'); } }); $('#restart_game').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to restart the game?")) { send_post_request('/api/restart'); } }); $('#start_warmup').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to start the warm-up?")) { send_post_request('/api/start-warmup'); } }); $('#swap_team').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to swap teams?")) { send_post_request('/api/swap-team'); } }); $('#go_live').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to go live?")) { send_post_request('/api/go-live'); } }); $('#rconInputBtn').on('click', function () { let data = { command: $('#rconInput').val() }; send_post_request('/api/rcon', data); $('#rconInput').val(''); }); $('#say_input_btn').on('click', function () { let data = { message: $('#say_input').val() }; send_post_request('/api/say-admin', data); $('#say_input').val(''); }); $('#list_backups').on('click', function () { send_post_request('/api/list-backups'); }); $('#restore_latest_backup').on('click', function () { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to restore the latest round backup?")) { send_post_request('/api/restore-latest-backup'); } }); $('#restore_backup').on('click', function () { const round_number = prompt('Enter round number to restore:'); if (round_number !== null && round_number.trim() !== '') { const round_number_value = parseInt(round_number); if (!isNaN(round_number_value)) { send_post_request('/api/restore-round', { round_number: round_number_value }); } else { alert('Invalid round number. Please enter a valid number.'); } } else { alert('Round number cannot be empty. Please enter a valid number.'); } }); $('#server_setup_form').on('submit', async function (event) { event.preventDefault(); const data = { team1: $('#team1').val(), team2: $('#team2').val(), map: $('#map').val(), game: $('#game').val(), server_id: window.server_id }; send_post_request('/api/setup-game', data); }); $('#game').on('change', function () { var map_list = []; var e = document.getElementById("game"); if (e.value == "1" || e.value == "2" || e.value == "3" || e.value == "4") { // casual or competitive map_list.push("cs_italy"); map_list.push("cs_office"); map_list.push("de_ancient"); map_list.push("de_anubis"); map_list.push("de_basalt"); map_list.push("de_dust2"); map_list.push("de_edin"); map_list.push("de_inferno"); //map_list.push("de_mills"); map_list.push("de_mirage"); map_list.push("de_nuke"); map_list.push("de_overpass"); map_list.push("de_train"); //map_list.push("de_thera"); map_list.push("de_vertigo"); map_list.push("de_palais"); map_list.push("de_whistle"); } else if (e.value == "5") { // wingman //map_list.push("de_assembly"); map_list.push("de_inferno"); //map_list.push("de_memento"); map_list.push("de_nuke"); map_list.push("de_palais"); map_list.push("de_overpass"); map_list.push("de_vertigo"); map_list.push("de_whistle"); } else if (e.value == "6") { // arms race map_list.push("ar_baggage"); map_list.push("ar_pool_day"); map_list.push("ar_shoots"); } $('#map').empty(); for (var i = 0; i < map_list.length; i++) { const opt = '' $('#map').append(opt); } }) });