package gowebdav import ( "bytes" "encoding/xml" "io" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // PathEscape escapes all segments of a given path func PathEscape(path string) string { s := strings.Split(path, "/") for i, e := range s { s[i] = url.PathEscape(e) } return strings.Join(s, "/") } // FixSlash appends a trailing / to our string func FixSlash(s string) string { if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "/") { s += "/" } return s } // FixSlashes appends and prepends a / if they are missing func FixSlashes(s string) string { if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "/") { s = "/" + s } return FixSlash(s) } // Join joins two paths func Join(path0 string, path1 string) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(path0, "/") + "/" + strings.TrimPrefix(path1, "/") } // String pulls a string out of our io.Reader func String(r io.Reader) string { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) // TODO - make String return an error as well _, _ = buf.ReadFrom(r) return buf.String() } func parseUint(s *string) uint { if n, e := strconv.ParseUint(*s, 10, 32); e == nil { return uint(n) } return 0 } func parseInt64(s *string) int64 { if n, e := strconv.ParseInt(*s, 10, 64); e == nil { return n } return 0 } func parseModified(s *string) time.Time { if t, e := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, *s); e == nil { return t } return time.Unix(0, 0) } func parseXML(data io.Reader, resp interface{}, parse func(resp interface{}) error) error { decoder := xml.NewDecoder(data) for t, _ := decoder.Token(); t != nil; t, _ = decoder.Token() { switch se := t.(type) { case xml.StartElement: if se.Name.Local == "response" { if e := decoder.DecodeElement(resp, &se); e == nil { if err := parse(resp); err != nil { return err } } } } } return nil } // limitedReadCloser wraps a io.ReadCloser and limits the number of bytes that can be read from it. type limitedReadCloser struct { rc io.ReadCloser remaining int } func (l *limitedReadCloser) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) { if l.remaining <= 0 { return 0, io.EOF } if len(buf) > l.remaining { buf = buf[0:l.remaining] } n, err := l.rc.Read(buf) l.remaining -= n return n, err } func (l *limitedReadCloser) Close() error { return l.rc.Close() }